Why Dental Hygiene Is Important for Pets

As a pet owner in Langley, BC, you strive to provide your furry companions with the best possible care. This extends beyond walks and belly rubs, it also includes oral health. Just like us, dogs may require regular dental care to keep their teeth sparkling and avoid painful problems down the line. If you are interested in vet care from a veterinarian near you, visit us at Apex Animal Hospital. Our animal clinic is here to help.

Pet Dental Care

Unlike a quick brush at home, a professional pet dental cleaning, performed by a skilled veterinarian near you, goes much deeper. Here a few things you might expect:

1. Pre-Cleaning Checkup: The veterinarian conducts a thorough oral exam, looking for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and other issues.

2. Safe Anesthesia: Your pet receives monitored anesthesia for comfort and cooperation throughout the procedure.

3. Deep Cleaning: Using specialized tools, we remove plaque and tartar buildup, even below the gum line where brushing can't reach. This prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

4. Polishing Act: The teeth might be polished to smooth rough surfaces and help make them less prone to plaque accumulation.

6. Recovery and Aftercare: Your dog wakes up in a comfortable environment and is monitored until fully recovered. You'll receive detailed instructions for aftercare, including feeding and monitoring for any issues.

Good Dental Care from an Animal Clinic Can Be Important

If your pet eats poorly and goes too long without good dental care, he may end up developing dental disease in his mouth, potentially causing pain and bleeding. If it goes on for too long, the infection may spread into his bloodstream and affect the organs in his body, leading to severe health problems.

Learn More about Dog Teeth Cleaning, Dog Dentistry, Dog Dental Care and Vet Care from a Veterinarian Near You

Getting regular pet dental cleanings is an investment in your dog's happiness and health. At Apex Animal Hospital, our compassionate team understands the dog dental care. We offer personalized dental services, using different technology and techniques, to help ensure your furry friend's smile remains healthy and bright.

Don't wait for signs of trouble. Contact us at Apex Animal Hospital today and schedule a consultation with a veterinarian at our animal hospital. Call our animal hospital at (604) 514-1444 to learn more about dog teeth cleaning, dog dentistry, dog dental care, and vet care from a veterinarian near you. Our animal clinic is here to help.