
Viewing 1 - 10 out of 10 posts

Cataracts Surgery for Cats

Cataracts, a clouding of the lens in the eye, can significantly impact your cat's vision and quality of life. If you notice your feline friend bumping into objects, hesitating during Read More

How to Prepare Your Cat for Surgery

While cats may seem independent, they sometimes need medical interventions like surgery to live long and healthy lives. At Apex Animal Hospital in Langley, our team is dedicated to providing Read More

How to Prepare Your Dog for Surgery

The thought of your pup needing surgery and going under anesthesia can be frightening for any pet owner. It doesn't matter if it's for dental cleaning, dog spaying, dog neutering, Read More

Preventative Care

Preventative care is important in keeping your pet happy and healthy. At Apex Animal Hospital in Langley, BC, we provide various services like wellness exams, vaccinations, and dental care, to Read More

Questions to Ask Before Your Pet's Surgery

It's natural for pet owners to be protective, sometimes even overprotective, of their pets. This is why many feel uneasy or worried when their pets require surgery. However, in most Read More

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

Spaying and neutering are vital procedures that help control the pet population and provide numerous health benefits for animals. Spaying refers to the surgical removal of a female animal's reproductive Read More

Pet Dental FAQs

Pet Dental Care FAQs As a pet owner, it is important that your cat or dog receives the necessary dental care to stay happy and healthy. At Apex Animal Hospital in Read More

Questions to Ask Before Your Pet's Surgery

Questions to Ask Before Your Pet's Surgery It's natural for pet owners to be protective, sometimes even overprotective, of their pets. This is why many feel uneasy or worried when their Read More

How Often Do Pets Need Dental Exams?

How Often Do Pets Need Dental Exams? Regular dental exams are an important part of your pet’s overall health and well-being. Just like humans, pets can develop dental issues that can Read More

Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Pets

Why Dental Hygiene Is Important for Pets As a pet owner in Langley, BC, you strive to provide your furry companions with the best possible care. This extends beyond walks and Read More

Viewing 1 - 10 out of 10 posts