Spay and Neutering FAQs

Spaying and neutering are crucial procedures for controlling the pet population and promoting the health and well-being of animals. At Apex Animal Hospital in Langley, BC, we provide these procedures to improve your pet’s behavior and help it feel its best. Before you visit us, take a look at some frequently asked questions regarding spaying and neutering below:


 What is spaying and neutering?

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures performed by veterinarians to sterilize animals. Spaying refers to the removal of the ovaries and uterus in female animals, while neutering involves removing the testicles in male animals. These procedures are commonly performed to prevent reproduction and provide various health and behavioral benefits.

At what age should pets be spayed or neutered?

The ideal age for spaying or neutering varies depending on the species and breed of the animal. In general, most veterinarians recommend performing the procedure around six months of age. However, individual circumstances, such as the animal's health and development, may influence the timing of the surgery. It's essential to consult with our vets to determine the most appropriate age for spaying or neutering your pet.

What are the benefits of spaying and neutering?

Spaying and neutering offer several benefits for both pets and their owners. These procedures can reduce the risk of certain cancers and reproductive diseases, such as mammary tumors and uterine infections in females, and prostate problems in males. Additionally, the surgeries can help decrease aggressive behavior, roaming, and marking territory, making your furry companions more manageable and less likely to engage in problematic behaviors.

Are there any risks or complications associated with spaying and neutering?

While spaying and neutering are common and generally safe procedures, there are risks associated with any surgical intervention. Potential complications may include infection, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, the likelihood of these complications is relatively low. Pet owners should discuss any concerns with our veterinarians before scheduling the procedure.

How can I prepare my pet for spaying or neutering surgery?

Our veterinarians will provide specific instructions on how to prepare your pet for the surgery. This may include fasting, withholding water the morning of surgery, and ensuring your pet receives any necessary pre-operative medications. It's essential to follow these instructions carefully to minimize the risk of complications and ensure a successful outcome.

Contact Apex Animal Hospital Today for an Appointment!

If you're considering spaying or neutering your pet, contact Apex Animal Hospital in Langley, BC, at (604) 514-1444 today. Our team is committed to providing compassionate care and personalized recommendations to help your pet live a happy and healthy life. When you need a veterinarian near me, we look forward to assisting you!

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